Core Value Modeling © (CVM)

Financial Statements and Scorecards provide terrific views of performance outcomes. Yet they yield little insight on why these outcomes are what they are and, in turn, provide little direction on how to influence them.

The hard reality is that true insights and direction are tough to come by. FutureSet’s Core Value Modeling (CVM) is designed to help researchers, managers, executives, and other decision makers directly address this challenge.

CVM is a powerful approach and technology tool that starts with your financial statements and creates a model of those factors – both quantitative and qualitative – that ultimately drive them. More specifically, CVM:

  • Creates a cohesive view of what drives performance
  • Aggregates knowledge of business drivers (including key documents) from across functions into one view
  • Increases field of vision to reveal what lies beyond your immediate view that matters
  • Facilitates discovery of new drivers and relationships
  • Provides a structured way to continuously monitor, understand, and validate your strategy

CVM has been designed to be applied in a modular way that can tackle one piece of an organization at a time.

Feel free to contact us at on how CVM can support your organization.